ABA NFC is a reading/writing NFC application developed by ABAMobile.
ABA NFC is a reading/writing NFC application developed by ABAMobile.
Selected by AndroidCentral.com in "Apps of the Week".
Selected by AndroidTapp.com in "App Weekender - 50+ new apps you should try this weekend"
- Reading NFC tag content in NDEF format.
- Writing content in standard formats (NFC Forum well-known type)
- Text
- Location
- Phone Number
- vCard
- Writing Task
- Enable / Disable WiFi
- Enable / Disable Bluetooth
- Enable / Disable GPS (Android < 4.3)
- Toggle sound profiles
- Connect to WiFi networks
- Enable / Disable Portable WiFi Zone
- Enable Aeroplane Mode (Android < 4.2)
- Listen, touch and call
- Events
- Social Media
- Writing custom tasks
- Alarm
- Timer
- Open app
- Bluetooth
- Mobile network
- Portable WiFi HotSpot
- WiFi
- Brightness
- Auto Rotate screen
- Display timeout
- Notification LED
- Lock/unlock screen
- Sound profiles
- Talking Tags
- Volumes (system, multimedia, alarms)
- Phone call
- My Tasks
- Rewriter tasks in tags
- Share tasks to friends (Android >= 4.1)
- Delete NFC Tags
- NFC basic information
- Share App using NFC or old sharing ways.
- Coming soon section with polls. We want to know what our users want to do with NFC technology.
ABAMobile team will be adding new features gradually.
ABA NFC application replaces the old NFC TagSuite.
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/abamobile
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/abamobile_en
Web: http://www.abamobile.com
In order to know if your device has NFC technology, check it in http://www.abamobile.com/nfc/#nfcdevices
If you need tags to use the app, you could buy it through our web page. http://www.abamobile.com
Similar to this app: NFC Task Launcher (Trigger), NFC TagInfo, NFC Easy Connect, NFC TagWriter, NFC TagReader
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